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Introduction This week in Experimental Archaeology, we learned about ancient Greek and Roman military tactics by recreating ancient battle equipment and army formations on the Mini Bald Spot. Before lab, we read about the different tactics of the Greek hoplites, Greek phalanxes, and Roman maniples. In a hoplite, soldiers stood close together with interlocking shields…
For this week’s lab, our group focused on recreating two ancient Roman bread recipes. The first was libum, an ancient Roman cheesecake-like bread, that was mostly used in religious rituals as an offering to the gods on altars. The second was a simple bread loaf that was very dense and probably would have been more…
Group A Members: Helen Banta, Amelie Cook, Emma Jahn, Ben Scott-Lewis Our lab this week was focused on the process of wool-working—specifically, the tasks of carding, spinning, and weaving. Our group was lucky enough to get to do the tasks in this order, so we got a chance to use the wool we carded ourselves…