Week 6 Lab Data: Pottery Firing

This week we fired the clay pots we made in Week 3. My group, Group E, fired our pots together with Group F. We measured the data for three pots: Hope’s pot, Elek’s pot, and Gisele’s pot – in other words, one from each group (Hope’s and Elek’s from E and F, respectively) and one (Gisele’s) made with arb clay instead of store-bought clay.

Just after putting the pots in the fire

After getting the fire started, we checked the temperature roughly every 5 minutes.

Time after fire started (minutes)Temperature of fire (℃)
5123.4 ℃
10224.5 ℃
15339.9 ℃
20197.9 ℃
25271.1 ℃
30330.3 ℃
35507.2 ℃
40493.8 ℃
45590.3 ℃
50422.6 ℃
55647.7 ℃
The maximum recorded temperature was 647.7 ℃, recorded 55 minutes after initially starting the fire. The dips in temperature were likely due to the fact that it was cold and wet outside, so we had to frequently make sure the fire was tended to.

Below is the data for the individual clay pots that we measured. Once again, we measured in intervals of 5 minutes, starting at the 20 minute mark for Elek and Gisele’s pots, and at the 100 minute mark for Hope’s (after we stopped adding wood to our second fire).

Elek’s pot (store-bought clay):

Time after fire started (minutes)Temperature of pot (℃)
2024 ℃
2514.8 ℃
30166.4 ℃
35152.9 ℃
40194.9 ℃
45209 ℃
50197 ℃
55204.8 ℃

Gisele’s pot (Arb clay):

Time after fire started (minutes)Temperature of pot (℃)
2021 ℃
2518.2 ℃
30156.3 ℃
35182.3 ℃
40165 ℃
45190 ℃
50215 ℃
55208 ℃
It seems there is no correlation between type of clay and temperature. However, there are other factors to consider, such as size of the pot and the temper each person used.

Hope’s pot:

Time after fire started (minutes)Temperature of pot (℃)
100852.8 ℃
105768 ℃
110774.3 ℃
115666.4 ℃
120593.1 ℃
125604.2 ℃
130364 ℃
135376 ℃
140387 ℃
145311.9 ℃
Hope’s pot had a maximum recorded temperature of 852.8 ℃, at which point we stopped adding more wood to the fire and let it slowly die out.
The pot doesn’t appear to decrease in temperature following any pattern (one might expect it to do so linearly or even exponentially).
Our pots after we completed the firing

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