Week 8 Lab Summary: Pottery Firing

Introduction On Thursday our class finally convened in the Arboretum art yard to fire the loom weights that we shaped in Week 3. We had a great time firing the loom weights with tremendous help from Kelly Connole, the master of pottery, and Austin Mason, our professor. We came to the art yard knowing that…

Week 3 Lab Summary: Loom Weight Formation

Elliot Stork, Hali’a Buchal, Phoebe Ward Intro The purpose of our experiment was to turn raw materials (clay, grog, water) into loom weights, by fashioning the materials into the desired shape (a doughnut). We conducted the experiment in the ceramics studio under the guidance of Kelly Connole, who helped us with preparing, handling, and marking…

Loom Weights: Lab Report Data

The following are the quantitative observations of the loom weights made by Group C: Maddy #1: Dehydrated Weight of Materials 215 g Hydrated Weight of Materials 249.8 g Weight Diameter 8 cm Hole Diameter 2.5 cm Final Weight: 225 g Maddy #2 Dehydrated Weight of Materials 215.3 g Hydrated Weight of Materials 250.7 g Weight…

Week 8: Firing Pottery: Straw, Saw Dust, & Bark

Zoe Orlin, Holland Votaw, Zachary McCrary This week in lab, we constructed fire-pit kilns in order to fire pots we had made under the guidance of ceramics professor Kelly Connole the previous week. We had spent the previous week learning about Anglo-Saxon pottery and its chaine operatoire. Specifically, the entire process that must be undertaken…