Week 6 Lab Summary: Cordage and Baskets

Grace Brindle, Brendan Glenn, Corrah Gonzales-Lipham Introduction This week marked the transition from ARCN 222’s focus on Classical antiquity to a new subject of study: Early Medieval England. For the second half of term, students will be studying the lifestyle, beliefs, and practices of the people living on the British Isles in the wake of…

Group E Week 2 Data: Cheesemaking

Group E: Grace Brindle, Zach McCrary, John Hoffman, Zoe OrlinData Recorder: Grace BrindleDate: April 8, 2021Location: Mai Fete Island, Carleton College, Northfield, MNWeather: 63° Fahrenheit, partly cloudy, 11 miles per hour winds SE Part I: Creating Cheese Curds and Whey Initial Measurements Milk weight:Container 1 (empty): .905 kilogramsContainer 2 (empty): .910 kilograms Container 1 (milk…