Group Members: Isabel, Rahim, Bee, Eila The Experiment: We used ancient measurement techniques to complete several different tasks involving drawing out straight lines and right angles onto a field. Most of the data collected was qualitative, since the experiment largely revolved around our experiences using the Groma. A Groma is an ancient tool which allowed…
Week 9 Measurement Reflection
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Lab 9 Journal: Agromensores and Gromae
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Measurement Reflection
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week 9 lab journal: surveying
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Week 9: Weaving!
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Week 9 Lab Summary: Preparing to Weave
In this lab, we were tasked with beginning the weaving process. Unfortunately, the sheer complication and time-consumption of setting up the warp-weighted loom hampered the process––we have not yet begun weaving, and the lab has been extended somewhat indefinitely into the following week. Even though as a class we didn’t technically complete our task, it…
Group A Data Weaving Lab
The following is a time table of the tasks Group A performed on Thursday, November 11th, for the construction of the tablet-woven border required for the warp weighted loom. 1:17PM Group A begins measuring required threads for tablet-woven border 1:24PM 48 yards are wound around upright frame 1:25PM 48 yards are cut into two yard…
Since every group took on different steps in the process of setting up our loom, the data is spread out between all of us. Group B was mainly responsible for assembling the loom, though we also helped establish the border of the weave and allocate warp threads to weights. loom dimensions width of bottom 81cm…
Week 9 Lab Journal: Warping the Loom
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