Group F Data: Measurement

Group Members: Isabel, Rahim, Bee, Eila The Experiment: We used ancient measurement techniques to complete several different tasks involving drawing out straight lines and right angles onto a field. Most of the data collected was qualitative, since the experiment largely revolved around our experiences using the Groma. A Groma is an ancient tool which allowed…

Week 9 Lab Summary: Preparing to Weave

In this lab, we were tasked with beginning the weaving process. Unfortunately, the sheer complication and time-consumption of setting up the warp-weighted loom hampered the process––we have not yet begun weaving, and the lab has been extended somewhat indefinitely into the following week. Even though as a class we didn’t technically complete our task, it…

Group A Data Weaving Lab

The following is a time table of the tasks Group A performed on Thursday, November 11th, for the construction of the tablet-woven border required for the warp weighted loom. 1:17PM Group A begins measuring required threads for tablet-woven border 1:24PM 48 yards are wound around upright frame 1:25PM 48 yards are cut into two yard…